Culysoft October 2021 - Present
Software Developer
Condominium management system
Frontend of project
Backend API Rest
- Developed application to register all the activities of the local space, such as residents, leisure areas, incoming and outgoing visits, payments, residents'account statements, notifying residents about events, and a list of residents with debts.
- Acted as a technical lead and backend developer, documenting what will be the functional requirements, conceptual module and entity relationship diagram of the database.
- Worked with Java developer, assigned tasks for him to work on and reviewed Pull Request before being added to the development branch.
- Developed the payment API, receiving payments with JasperReport, uploading files to Google Cloud Storage, deploying to DigitalOcean, and much more.
- Used Java, MySQL, Spring, Hibernate, Mockito, JUnit, JasperReport.